He also virtually inaugurated and laid foundation stones of various development projects worth about ₹18,000 crore at the election rally. “That’s why I request you all to bless us once again so that BJP can continue to work for the immense development of state under young chief minister Dhami.”Įarlier, Modi drew cheers from the thousands strong crowd when he started his speech with some phrases in the local Garhwali language. “The party which is breaking away in the rest of the country cannot work for the prosperity of Uttarakhand,” the Prime Minister said, referring to the Congress, but not naming it. “The restoration work and development of facilities have not only increased the number of pilgrims, but has also created a number of jobs in the state.” While in 2019, amid the ongoing restoration works, more than 10 lakh pilgrims visited he shrine,” he said. “In 2012, before the tragedy struck Kedarnath shrine, a total of 5.70 lakh pilgrims had visited the shrine. Pointing to the ongoing restoration and reconstruction work in the Kedarnath shrine after the 2013 cloudburst tragedy, Modi said the number of pilgrims has increased “significantly.” “The previous government at the Centre only built 288km of national highway in seven years in Uttarakhand, while our central government has built over 2,000km of national highways in seven years.” These will not only help in development of the state but also create many jobs,” the Prime Minister said at the hustings. These projects are from various sectors including road infrastructure, pilgrimage, irrigation, water and others.
“The Uttarakhand government has implemented them in a speedy manner. The central government in the past five years have approved developmental projects worth more than ₹1 trillion for the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand, he said. “To compensate that crucial lost period, our government is now carrying infrastructure development projects at double speed.” But after him, there was a government for 10 years, which did only scams and scandals on pretext of infrastructure development,” Modi said. “At the start of the century, the central government led by former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee had started significant works to improve road connectivity in the country. The Prime Minister accused the previous central government led by the Congress party of indulging in corruption in the name of infrastructure development.
“We want the people to not be dependent on anyone but be self-reliant.” “And to make the country strong, we are making the people strong,” he said. The BJP government wants to make the country strong, Modi said. The election rally of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party was attended by important state leaders including chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, Uttarakhand party president Madan Kaushik, junior defence minister Ajay Bhatt and Uttarakhand poll in-charge Prahlad Joshi, among others. All our welfare schemes aim to benefit all sections of society equally.” “But the path out government has chosen is totally different but difficult path, as we work on the principle of sabka saath, sabka vikas (with everybody, for everybody’s development). They did this as part of a conspiracy without anyone knowing about it,” the Prime Minister said in an election speech. Such an approach of those parties always wanted to make people dependent on their government.
“These parties have also worked to make the public weak so as to make it think that it is only the government which is everything for them. “Those parties have always seen that section a their vote bank.” That section may be a particular caste or a religion,” Modi said ahead of February 2022 assembly polls in Uttarakhand. “There are some political parties in the country which have always created a divide in the society to appease a section. Some political parties have “created a divide in society to appease a particular section” for vote-bank politics, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in a rally at Dehradun’s Parade Grounds on Saturday.